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Happy new year 2016 facebook covers

The soonest known record of a New Year celebration dates from around 2000 bce in Mesopotamia, where in Babylonia the new year (Akitu) started with the new moon after the spring equinox (mid-March) and in Assyria with the new moon closest the harvest time equinox (mid-September). Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. For the Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Persians the year started with the pre-winter equinox (September 21), and for the early Greeks it started with the winter solstice (December 21). On the Roman republican schedule the year started on March 1, however after 153 bce the official date was January 1, which was proceeded in the Julian timetable of 46 bce.

In ahead of schedule medieval times the greater part of Christian Europe respected March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, as the start of the new year, albeit New Year's Day was seen on December 25 in Anglo-Saxon England. Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. William the Conqueror proclaimed that the year start on January 1, however England later joined whatever remains of Christendom and received March 25. The Gregorian date-book, embraced in 1582 by the Roman Catholic Church, restored January 1 as New Year's Day, and most European nations progressively stuck to this same pattern: Scotland, in 1660; Germany and Denmark, around 1700; England, in 1752; and Russia, in 1918.

Those religions and societies utilizing a lunar date-book have kept on watching the start of the year on days other than January 1. In the Jewish religious date-book, for instance, the year starts on Rosh Hashana, the first day of the month of Tishri, which falls between September 6 and October 5. The Muslim timetable regularly has 354 days in every year, with the new year starting with the month of Muharram. Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. The Chinese New Year is praised authoritatively for a month starting in late January or early February. Other Asian societies commend the day at different times of the year. In southern India the Tamil commend the new year at the winter solstice; Tibetans watch the day in February; and in Thailand the day is praised in March or April. The Japanese have a three-day festivity January 1–3.

A considerable lot of the traditions of New Year celebrations take note of the progression of time with both misgiving and foresight. The child as an image of the new year dates to the old Greeks, with an old man speaking to the year that has passed. Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. The Romans determined the name for the month of January from their god Janus, who had two confronts, one looking in reverse and the other forward. The act of making resolutions to free oneself of negative behavior patterns and to receive better ones additionally dates to antiquated times. In the West, especially in English-talking nations, the nostalgic Scottish anthem "Auld Lang Syne," reexamined by the artist Robert Burns, is regularly sung on New Year's Eve.

Typical nourishments are frequently a portion of the celebrations. Numerous Europeans, for instance, eat cabbage or different greens to guarantee success in the coming year, while individuals in the American South support dark peered toward peas for good fortunes. Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. All through Asia uncommon sustenances, for example, dumplings, noodles, and rice cakes are eaten, and expand dishes highlight fixings whose names or appearance symbolize long life, joy, riches, and favorable luc

Happy new year 2016 facebook cover photos

In many places people stay up late to see the old year out and the new year in. Almost everywhere in the world church bells ring, horns toot, whistles blow, sirens shriek. Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. London's Trafalgar Square and New York City's Times Square swarm with crowds of happy, noisy people. The hullabaloo expresses people's high spirits at holiday time.

Many Chinese children dress in new clothes to celebrate the Chinese New Year. People carry lanterns and join in a huge parade led by a silk dragon, the Chinese symbol of strength. According to legend, the dragon hibernates most of the year, Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. so people throw firecrackers to keep the dragon awake. In the Chinese lunar calendar each of the 12 years is named after an animal. According to Legend, Lord Buddha asked all the animals to come to him before he left the earth. Only 12 animals came to wish him farewell, and as a reward Buddha named a year after each one.

In September or October, Jews believe that God opens the Book of Life for 10 days, starting with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and ending with Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. During these days, the holiest in the Jewish year, Jews try to atone for any wrongdoing and to forgive others. A ram's horn trumpet, known as the shofar, is blown before and during Rosh Hashanah and at the conclusion of Yom Kippur.

In Thailand, a special three–day water festival on April 13–15 marks Songkran, the Buddhists' celebration of the new year. Parades feature huge statues of Buddha that spray water on passersby. In small villages, young people throw water at each other for fun. People also release fish into rivers as an act of kindness. Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. At Songkran, people tie strings around each other's wrists to show their respect. A person can have as many as 25 or 30 strings on one wrist, each from a different person. The strings are supposed to be left on until they fall off naturally.

Ancient Greeks began their new year with the new moon after June 21. Before the time of Julius Caesar the Roman new year started on March 1. In most European countries during the Middle Ages the new year began on March 25, the day of the Feast of the Annunciation. Happy new year 2016 facebook covers, happy new year 2016 fb covers, happy new year 2016 cover photos, facebook covers for new year. The Russian Orthodox Church observes the New Year according to the Julian calendar, which places the day on January 14. Each of the religious groups in India has its own date for the beginning of the year. One Hindu New Year, Baisakhi, comes sometime in April or May.